How to buy a replica of Patek Philippe from Website?
The first step:
Find the contact information of the customer service. (This is the quick way and best way to a imitated watch. )
The second step:
Search the watch that you like from the website, then, give the customer service the item NO. or picture or web link, then, they can check for you. The watch is available or unavailable? Then, you need’t spend too much time or money to refund or others. or they can recommend the similar watches for your reference.
The third step:
When you finished the step 1 or step 2, then, you can buy a watch, you can ask the customer service their way to make payment.
Then, you have finished everything, the only you need to do is waiting.
The watch need test and install. Then, ship it out.
The forth step:
To go to your local post office to get your parcel. Never forget it. And one tip: never forget to check your contact way.
(such as email, sky…)